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TJ Advice (In Time For Cup Comps)

I've added this bit too:
Advisory Signals
  • As Pablo said, these are a minor part of a TJ's job.
  • Only give them if: a) The referee wants you to. and b) The referee is looking at you.
  • Don't wave arms around like a scare-crow, small and discrete gestures are more appropriate.
  • Often the best way to show a penalty is to place your right arm across you, hand on the left shoulder (as if you were going to give it to the team on your left) - the referee should mirror. Agree before the match though. Then signal the offence.

General Points
  • Remember your the TJ, not the referee! Don't overstep the mark.
  • Make sure you're not peering over the referee's shoulder! try to compliment it, not to copy it!
  • Watch players/ball carriers not the ball. Leave the ball primarily to the ref. You can watch for off the ball incidents he might not see.
  • Body language is as important as when you referee. Get this right and they'll accept your part of a team of three, not just another TJ.
  • Remember your priorities! Don't fart around giving tertiary signals because someone's bleeding and forget your running touch!
simonjgriffithshr said:
Communication - With Players
  • At lineouts and PKs particularly, use the wingers and centres as much as the no. 10 to get the sides back 10m.

Good god, I only call to the winger. In fact, if I'm TJ, I make a point of introducing myself to the two wingers I'm working with, and I put the responsibility on them - look for me at the lineout and take the 10m from me.
I do understand your point, and as such I don't go out and holler to the no. 10, it's just that he usually looks over/calls to me, therefore I use him a lot (by his actions not mine).
After the no. 10 is happy that he's got in line with me I call to the winger and then let the winger and no. 10 line up the centres etc. between them.
Bryan said:
The relevant bit is 17.6 (h):-
If a player catches the ball direct from an opponent’s kick, except from a kick-off or a drop-out, and the player is immediately held by an opponent, a maul may form. Then if the maul remains stationary, stops moving forward for longer than 5 seconds, or if the ball becomes unplayable, and a scrum is ordered, the team of the ball catcher throws in the ball.
(my emphasis

You're right, I could've gone on the IRB website, but I thought "Meh, I can wait until i get home". Thanks for the help though!

Moving along to the main point: England are confusing themselves- no wonder they're done so badly, they don't even know the Laws! If they kickoff to another team and a maul forms immediately, they DO NOT get the put-in at the scrum...

Take that Mr. Robinson!

Bryan - the key bit is the bit about "Except from a kick-off...."

So it's not England who are confused, but the ref on the day who got it wrong.

If they kick off, the oppostion catch and a maul forms immediately then the normal turnover rules apply. Catcher's team are the ones who took it into contact, turnover to the kicker's team.

If it had NOT been a kick-off then the catcher's team should have retained posession. But it was, so they shouldn't.
This checklist is really helpful, especially for a new official / AR such as myself. I'm still trying to fully grasp when and the best methods for signaling the official.

As far as holding the flag out at a right angle to the field, is this only used for signaling the official when foul play is spotted, or are there other offenses that this type of signaling is also utilized? (How long do I keep the flag up at a right angle to field?)

What other methods are commonly used to signal the official for other scenarios? Simon mentioned:
Often the best way to show a penalty is to place your right arm across you, hand on the left shoulder (as if you were going to give it to the team on your left) - the referee should mirror. Agree before the match though. Then signal the offence.
Could someone please explain further what this is?...I've never heard / seen this before.

A friend of mine recently stated he normally signals with the flag for most knock ons / thrown forwards, is this excessive?
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The flag must only be used to 1) indicate touch, or 2) to indicate kick at goal successful or 3) to signal foul play.

Any other signals should not include the flag and only be after pre-arrangement with the referee. If you don't have radios I'd suggest you make a subtle secondary signal (knock-on, hand in ruck, etc) but only if ref looks to you enquiringly.

If you see foul play:

1. lock in your mind colour & number of offender and recommended sanction
2. hang flag for a few seconds (this is more to show crowd that you've seen it) then continue with your duties.
3. hang flag if & when ref looks your way and/or at next stoppage
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