When the game is based upon skill, speed, speed of thought, challenge, fitness, aggression amongst other things why would you want to remove some of those elements and downgrade the game?Law Change Proposal:
11.8 A player may not save a ball from being knocked on by intentionally kicking it.
This covers the situation (I think) we all agree with, and this new nuance that there is considerable disagreement about.
Just because some people seem to misinterpret or incorrectly apply the Law doesn't mean the Law is wrong.
Let's concentrate on addressing and removing the material deviances we see every time rugby is on telly rather than overact to an exceptional piece of skill that might have caught us unawares, and we might be better appreciating and just saying, good effort mate!
Pundits comments "no intent to kick!" "so still a knock on" although one does later say "gee it looked good"