so let's wrap this up a bit
My purpose : I was trying to demonstrate a scenario where
the Law isn't clear.
I only got two clear votes (I think) :-( but one saying forward pass, the other saying NOT a forward pass. So that was nice.

Some people contributed to thread, but without offering a conclusion
But perhaps more interesting
Some discussion about the forward component of the velocity of the ball, and whether it increases.
but if the definition of a forward pass is that is increases forward velocity, then transferring the ball is NEVER a forward pass : at the moment of transfer the velocity of the ball is always the same as the player offering it
And anyway - that ISN'T the definition of a forward pass - - the Laws don't even mention velocity :
should the Law mention velocity ???
If that's the go-to concept we use, should that be in the Law? would that make the Law clearer?
What does the Law actually say?
Although it was a Law question no one referred to those Laws - I assume because the Laws provide no help with this scenario,
Which is (of course) why I chose the scenario
Transferring the ball isn't a throw anyway.
and (as in this case - the arms may not be moving)
Perhaps transferring the ball really can't be a forward pass
My view
- on field I would blow for a forward pass
- as to what the Law says - I am not sure, it's not clear.
I like Rich NL's point that - really - it's offside.
could we call it 'accidental offside, scrum' ?