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Deemed not in touch


We watched Exeter v Bordeaux in the Stadium no ref link so I didn't get any explanation for the ref's decision.

Bordeaux kick forward and the ball was heading for touch about 10 metres from Exetr's goal line.
A Bordeaux player kicked it to stop it going in to touch but his other foot was on the touch line.
The ball then crossed the goal line where another Bordeaux player got the first hand to it in thr normal scramble.

The ref gave the try to our confusion. I thought if the ball is played by a player in touch then it is deemed in touch.
Did anyone see it on telly and get an explanation or does kicking it not count.

Confused of Somerset
It all comes down to whether the officials thought the ball had reached (not crossed, as some people seem to think it is.) the plane of touch. They thought it hadn’t.
I have now watched the whole incident and the discussion between the referee and the TMO.
They have both mistakenly used the word ‘crossed’ the plane of touch. The ball has clearly not crossed the plane of touch but there is certainly grounds to argue that the ball reached the plane of touch. In much the same way that a single stud on the line would deem the player in touch. By definition the plane of touch would appear to be the thickness of the line it rises from.