From the mark, means in line with it. But you're always allowed to choose how far back or close (forward) to the goal you are when you take a conversion kick.This is getting silly. The laws says nominate a kick at goal then you must kick at goal. Nor restiction of changing the type of kick But passing to a a team matee in a better position? Come off it. He still needs to kick fro mthe mark. Let's not be silly.
I agree these ideas are silly, though not explicitly illegal, so I wonder what everyone's thoughts on them are, which leads me to my endgame question:
My endgame question I've been building up to is, at what point do we consider the conversion kick off / no longer allowed? A simple example is if the defending runners beat the kicker to the ball and pick it up off the tee, then I guess it's done with. (I thought I read this in law somewhere but I can't recall where.) But what if the kicker is drop-kicking the conversion?...and the runners run up and take the ball from his hands?...attempt to take it but can't because he still is holding on?...tackles the kicker? Which of these scenarios would stop the conversion from being allowed, and perhaps which wouldn't even be legal for the defenders to attempt? What responses does the kicker have to keep the conversion attempt alive (such as the previously mentioned example scenarios)?
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